On August 18, 2024, as part of torrential rain relief efforts, Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar distributed 138 umbrellas to 70 needy families in Mopaya, a tribal hamlet in the Deomali subdivision of the Tirap District of Arunachal Pradesh.
On June 5, 2024, Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar institutions commemorated the World Environment Day. 375 teak saplings were planted in the fishery area by Ramakrishna Mission School students and staff, as well as holding a plantation and cleanliness drive at Ramakrishna Mission Sarada Vidyalaya.
On May 19, 2024, at the respective hostels, interhostel recitation competitions in English, Hindi, and Sanskrit for students in classes 1 through 6 and story telling in English and Hindi for students in classes 7 through 9 were conducted.
On Sunday, April 7, 2024, a special puja and havan were held in the secondary prayer hall of Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar in memory of Srimat Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj.
The Ramakrishna Mission received a gold medal from Lt Gen Kaiwalya Trivikram Parnaik, PVSM, UYSM, YSM (Retd), the Hon'ble Governor of Arunachal Pradesh.
On 29th January 2024, Swami Balabhadrananda ji, laid the foundation stone for a proposed new hostel building at the Higher Secondary Section of Ramakrishna Mission School, Narottam Nagar
On 29th January 2024, Swami Balabhadrananda ji, laid the foundation stone for a proposed new hostel building at the Higher Secondary Section of Ramakrishna Mission School, Narottam Nagar
Shri Wangki Lowang, Minister of PHE & WS, DoTCL, Arunachal Pradesh, in the presence of Rev Swami Balabhadrananda ji Maharaj, Assistant General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission inaugurated 'Vivek Dwar' on January 29, 2024