In a vibrant display of enthusiasm and intellectual exchange, the Youth Convention on the theme “The Secret of Success” unfolded at Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar on October 6, 2023. The event, which drew participation from around 150 youth representing various colleges as well as higher secondary students in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, was inaugurated by Miss Vishakha Yadav, IAS, ADC, Deomali.
The convention kicked off with enlightening addresses by Dr Watsen Bangsia and Chayon Bangyang, faculties of Wangcha Rajkumar Government College, Deomali. Their speeches delved deep into developing leadership qualities and shaping character, providing the attending youth with valuable insights and perspectives.
Adding a spiritual touch to the event, Swami Achyuteshananda, Secretary of the institution, and Swami Vedasarananda, Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission, Dibrugarh, delivered inspiring addresses that resonated with the participants. Their words served as a guiding light, encouraging the youth to embark on paths of self-discovery and personal development.
The convention was not just a passive listening experience; it engaged the participants actively through group discussions on various topics of interest. These discussions provided a platform for the youth to exchange ideas, challenge perspectives, and broaden their understanding of the world around them.
A dynamic question-answer session further fueled intellectual curiosity, allowing the attendees to interact directly with the speakers and clarify their doubts. This interactive segment not only enriched the learning experience but also fostered a sense of community and collaboration among the diverse group of participants.
The cultural dimension of the convention was brought to life through captivating cultural shows. These performances, ranging from traditional dances to contemporary expressions of art, added a touch of creativity and entertainment to the event. The cultural shows not only showcased the diverse talents of the youth but also celebrated the rich cultural heritage of the region.
As the convention unfolded, it became more than just a gathering of young minds; it transformed into a melting pot of ideas, experiences, and aspirations. The participants left with a sense of empowerment, armed with new knowledge, and inspired to embark on their journeys towards success.
At the end, the participants expressed their gratitude to the organisers and esteemed speakers for making the convention a resounding success. The guests too highlighted the importance of such platforms in nurturing the potential of the youth and fostering a sense of responsibility towards society.
The Youth Convention organised as a part of the 125th Anniversary Celebrations of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, the headquarters of Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar, on “The Secret of Success” at Ramakrishna Mission Narottam Nagar not only provided a platform for intellectual discourse but also created lasting memories for the participants. It was a celebration of diversity, ideas, and the collective spirit of the youth, leaving an indelible mark on the journey of personal and communal growth.